Welcome to my small amateur radio web page. I have been licensed since 1994. Two words that best describe my ham radio activities are: Sporadic and Experimental.
Right now it seems that the little spare time I actually have is spent learning more about digimodes, QRP, building simple antennas and radio cirtuits, re-learning CW, coding, and preparing for portable operations.
2023/2024 update: I now have a permanent shack again. The "operator's corner" is the rightmost 59 cm of a desk, and I have some rudimentary antenna options:
Most of the things you will find on these pages are not new or unique;
my implementations of circuits and code are inspired by things
found elsewhere on the internet. Links are provided when the original source is known.
Many of these pages are work-in-progress, or
describe ongoing experiments.
73 de Anders